Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sign the Petition

Carrie Prejean and all contestants deserve to be treated fairly and with respect.
Help send a message to the Miss USA organization that uncivilized behavior is intolerable. Sign the petition and let your voice be heard.

The story behind the story

Here are a couple of videos which will shed some light on what the controversy is about. First the Q and A to Carrie Prejean....

Then the offensive comments by celebrity blogger Perez Hilton....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Give Perez Hilton a piece of your mind

Personally, I think Perez Hilton owes the Miss USA pageant, Donald Trump, NBC, and Carrie Prejean all an apology for his disrespectful and crude comments since Sunday. Perez has a chat room and you can give him a piece of your mind here. No reason to sink to his level. But, if enough people demonstrate their displeasure with his horrible comments, maybe he'll wise up and start to act in a civil manner.

What were they thinking?

So I was perusing various articles today and stumbled upon a mention that Perez Hilton was going to be a guest on tonight's episode of Larry King Live. I thought I'd tune in to see what he had to say. When I saw the teaser that Dennis Prager would also be a guest, I was delighted. After all, I often listen to Dennis on SoCal radio and I love what he has to say. He is a constant voice of reason and sanity and I was hoping someone would ask Perez to explain his despicable rantings this week.

I tuned in to Larry King Live and was dumbfounded as to the direction this was taking. Here's an excerpt from my earlier blog post on my personal blog here)....

Imagine my dismay when I saw Perez Hilton debating conservative radio host Dennis Prager on "Larry King Live." I thought we would get to the bottom of this craziness. But, Mr. King did not ask one question regarding Mr. Perez' immature online tirades. In my opinion, anyone who lowers the bar so far with personal attacks should not be given the opportunity to debate someone of such high standards as Dennis Prager.

Perez Hilton should be ashamed of himself. There is simply no defense for his behavior and any legitimate arguments he may have in favor of same-sex marriage have been mostly lost due to his over-the-top and insane rantings.

And one more thing...

LKL ran this startling text scroller for the entire "debate" which read: "Should Miss California Lose Crown?" What the heck is CNN talking about? How many people would do what Carrie did and stand by her beliefs? It's so easy to cave in to pressure to be politically correct. But, to be independent and to be true to one's self; this is something which is awesome and should be praised, not condemned. I hope more people appreciate the fantastic role model Carrie is for truth and individuality.

Carrie talks with MSNBC about the Miss USA fiasco

Miss California: "I wouldn't change a thing"

Miss California Feels Backlash From Former Hollywood Friends and Colleagues

Full Story

The 2009 Miss USA Pageant

Welcome to the new Carrie Prejean fan site!

Welcome to the new Carrie Prejean fan site!